An English ship captain was Alexandria’s first official “owner.” Sir William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia in 1669, gifted Robert Howson the land known as today’s Alexandria, but the city really gets its well-known name from John Alexander, who purchased the land from Howson for 6,000 pounds of tobacco. That makes the town of Alexandria is older than our country.
Fun fact
When George Washington was a surveyor he was busy organizing Alexandria’s streets an layout. Also the city is where he was first publicly addressed as President at Wise’s Tavern located 201 N. Fairfax.
Dine at O’Connell 112 King Street, Alexandria VA. The restaurant is known for it’s Snugs. These are seating areas designed for intimate dining with friends. The building is rich in history as it was built in the 1800’s by Col. Fitzgerald, It was previously a bar called Bullfeathers which was in the back section of the building and in the front a hat shop called Hats in the Belfry. We enjoyed the 2nd terrace balcony so we could people watch.